Title: Tales of Innocence Original Title: テイルズオブイノセンス Genre: Action RPG Year: Japan 2007-12-06 ; English Patch v1.0 29 Jun 2010 Developer: Alfa System Publishers: Namco Bandai Language: English Translation: Absolute Zero Translations Translator: throughhim413 Programmer: Kingcom Editor: Yuli Karaoke Timer: Kajitani-Eizan Graphics: Deets Proofreader: Sarah
Description: The Imperial Capital of Regnum kept itself in peace during the long-lasting world war. Slowly, people with a "special power" began to appear. Feared by normal people, Regnum set out a law to capture all people with special powers. One day, Ruca, the son of a merchant in Regnum, realizes the special power within him...
Important: 1. This is the complete translation of Tales of Innocence by the Romhacking Aerie and Absolute Zero Translations.