Biggest images from Safebooru up to id=1.500.000 (05.2015), where - width >= 1200 for "wallpapers" aspect ratios - Mpixels >= 1.44M (1200*1200) for "pages" aspect ratios - PNG converted to JPG - some comic, 4koma etc. primitives cleared - carefully deduplicatied with AntiDupl.NET
Images zipped according 10.000-th ID and aspect ratio: - "wallpapers" 16x9, 16x10, 4x3, 5x4 ( 5%) - "screens" 3x2 ( 10%) - "squares" 1x1 ( 20%) - "pages" 3x4 ( 8%) and 1x2 ( 20%)
BTW, breaf history of Safebooru: - started 29.01.2010 with 70.000 big images - then 300.000 during 02-04.2010 - big batch again 50.000 24.05.2010 staring from ID=427.000 natural growth 500.000 - 21.10.2010 600.000 - 11.04.2011 700.000 - 08.10.2011 800.000 - 28.03.2012 900.000 - 05.09.2012 1.000.000 - 22.03.2013 1.100.000 - 21.09.2013 1.200.000 - 19.03.2014 1.300.000 - 27.08.2014 1.400.000 - 13.01.2015 1.500.000 - 25.05.2015
Release #520283 covered completely, you can move (or mklink /D) it to the new directory.