Title: Idol Mahou Shoujo Chiruchiru ☆ Michiru Original title: アイドル魔法少女ちるちる☆みちる Year: Japan 2014-08-15, English Version 2015-07-29 Length: Short (2 - 10 hours) Developer: Front Wing Publishers: Sekai Project Languages: English Voice: Japanese
Description: Matsushima Michiru is a loved, respected, nationally-famous idol, worthy of singing on the same stage as the legendary Kazami Kazuki... in her own dreams, at least. In reality, she's a complete nobody, only able to perform in a dingy basement bar on the weekends for crowds numbering in the single digits.
Important: 1. No need to install.
System requirements: Minimum: OS: Vista Processor: 1Ghz Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: 1280x720 DirectX: Version 9.0c Hard Drive: 4 GB available space Sound Card: Any audio output