Title: Yanderella Original title: ヤンデレラ Genre: RPG horror game Year: Japan 2013-08-29, English Version 2014-09-28 Length: Very short (< 2 hours) Developer: CHARON Publishers: terriball Languages: English Voice: Not Voiced Development software: RPG Maker 2000 Distribution method: Free software
Description: Yatarou is a high school student who has two close friends, Honoka and Hinata. Hinata, who had moved away while they were in elementary school, comes back to visit, and the three of them decide to spend time together while she's in town.
Important: 1. No need to install. 2. Controls: Arrow keys: Move Confirm (Enter/Space/Z): Examine, talk Cancel (Esc/X/C/V/B/N/0): Cancel, close menu F12: Return to title screen F4: Windowed/fullscreen toggle F5: Window size toggle 3. This game contains violent and grotesque depictions. Please do not play the game if you are sensitive to this type of material.