Title: Kodoku ni Kiku Yuri Original title: 孤独に効く百合 Year: Japan 2011-06-19, English Version 2012-11-13 Length: Short (2 - 10 hours) Developer: Yoru no Hitsuji Publishers: DLsite Language: English Voice: Not voiced
Description: First with a kiss... the girl is etched in the protagonist's mind.
It was first year in high school. The budding of summer. Fusa Konno met a shut-in girl named Seri. Persecuted by her yearning eyes, her heart gradually opened...
Awkwardly, the two girls gave each other a hug, joined hands, and looked into their eyes. They learned a comfort of being with and touching someone they love, and wanted to know more about each other...
Important: 1. You need to change locale to Japanese. http://erogedownload.com/faq/changing-to-japanese-locale-on-windows-7/ 2. No need to install.