Japanese live action drama series based on the manga series "Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san" by Naru Narumi.
Plot of the series: Koizumi, a cool, beautiful university student of few words, is in fact a ramen expert who seeks and tries out delicious ramen with gusto every day.
More information: http://mydramalist.com/14531-ramen-daisuki-koizumi-san http://asianwiki.com/Ms._Koizumi_Loves_Ramen_Noodles http://www.fujitv.co.jp/ramen_koizumi/index.html
Note: This is a Clean Screen episode for Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san episode 3 (an ongoing series (still airing) - there will be 10 episodes total). This episode has no TV station logo watermarks (in the top right corner, etc) or news updates. There will be a complete batch torrent after the series has ended.
Each episode will be around 20 minutes in length.
Thanks to dobod and nemurenatta who are working on English subtitles for this series: http://www.nyaa.se/?page=search&cats=0_0&filter=0&term=ramen&user=291059
dbod's site: http://dzidolworld.org
Episode 4 will have the raw and therefore hopefully the subs available faster too :)