Movie: Snow On The Blades (English title) / Revenge of the Pomegranate Tree Hill (literal title) Romaji: Zakurozaka no Adauchi Japanese: 柘榴坂の仇討 Director: Setsuro Wakamatsu Writer: Jiro Asada (novel) Producer: Cinematographer: Release Date: September 20, 2014 Runtime: Distributor: Shochiku Language: Japanese Country: Japan
Plot Kingo Shimura (Kiichi Nakai) serves his lord Naosuke Ii (Kichiemon Nakamura), but Naosuke Ii is killed by ronins from the Mito Domain. He is not allowed to kill himself and receives a secret order to exact revenge. Kingo Shimura travels for 13 years to find the last enemy. That person is a samurai named Jyubei Sahashi (Hiroshi Abe).
Notes Based on a story in the short story collection "Goroji dono Oshimatsu" by Jiro Asada (published 2003 by Chuokoron-Shinsha, Inc.). Kiichi Nakai previously starred in 2003 movie "When the Last Sword Is Drawn" which is also based on a novel by Jiro Asada. Filming began January 5, 2014.