Title: Nayuta no Kiseki Original Title: 那由多の軌跡 Genre: Action role-playing game Year: Japan - July 26, 2012, English Patch Version - 2015 Developer: Nihon Falcom Publishers: Nihon Falcom Language: English Translation: Credits: Flame - Project leader, main programmer, translator SkyeWelse - images naachan - translation assistance - helped with boss, character and location names Kelebek - programming assistance CUE - programming assistance zero_g_monkey - programming assistance (images) M_bot - image programming
Description: The game happens in a world called Lost Heaven. It takes place in the same in-game universe of The Legend of Heroes series. The characters' hometown is Remnant Island, an island located in the center of Sciencia Sea, a vast ocean with countless islands. Shooting stars have been continually falling from the sky for some time, leaving much of these piled up on the island. Stones known as "Star Fragments" have been discovered in these areas. By shining a light on them in a certain way, people can see the phantom world of Lost Heaven.
Important: This is version with patch 4.14. The game is fully in English now, but some word in image (ex : billboards store) is still in Japanese though because the translator cant edit the image file.