Title: ちゃんぽん食べたか Title (romaji): Chanpon Tabetaka Format: Renzoku Genre: Drama Episodes: 9 Broadcast network: NHK Broadcast period: 2015-May-30 to 2015-Jul-23 Air time: Saturday
Synopsis In early 1965, a child violinist who was expected to be a prodigy, came up to Tokyo from Nagasaki and lived in lodgings. In the 1970s, the violinist (Suda Masaki) faced a setback during the uproar over the US-Japan security treaty. Even so, he did not cut off music. By the time he realised it, he had started singing as Grape. This is a story centred around his high school and university days surrounded by different people including friends, teachers as well as older men at his part-time job.
Cast Suda Masaki as Sano Masashi Hongo Kanata as Furuta Masami Mamiya Shotaro as Kashiyama Mitsuru Izumisawa Yuki as Kikuta Yasuo Morikawa Aoi as Okakura Youko Nishida Naomi as Sano Kiyoko Endo Kenichi as Sano Masato