Title: Digimon World Re:Digitize Original Title: デジモンワールド リ:デジタイズ Genre: Role-playing, digital pet Year: Japan - July 19, 2012, English Patch Version - June 22, 2015 Developer: Tri-Crescendo Publishers: Bandai Namco Games Language: English Translation: VC3 Translation Project Translators: Romsstar onkeikun
Programmers: CompCom StorMyu Roxas75 Special Thanks to Dragonlord for aiding in programming issues.
Editor: Sporky McForkinspoon Kalker Kalyn Darian
Graphics: HelloWinter
Description: In the game, the player follows and controls "Taiga", a 16-year-old male protagonist who is transported to the digital world of Digimon, which in his universe is merely an online game. In the universe of Digimon, people raise creatures collectively referred to as Digimon. Players raise the digimon through stages of growth that determine his personality, the five stages being "Baby", "Child", "Adult", "Perfect" and "Ultimate". Digimon evolve over time by gaining stats and other factors. Digimon can get hungry, sick, injured or die and need care to recover. The game has over 10,000 accessories to collect and equip on their digimon, which alter the character's in-game appearance, such as goggles, or an afro.
Important: This is the patch with DUB subtitles(using names of the monsters from the localized English version of the anime) version 1.1 with fixed bugs when playing on PSP. If you still have crashes on certain places of the game, you can use your save file on the original Japanese iso only to pass the crashing place and save, then you can continue with this save on the English patched version.