Japanese live action drama series based on the manga series "Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san" by Naru Narumi.
Plot of the series: Koizumi, a cool, beautiful university student of few words, is in fact a ramen expert who seeks and tries out delicious ramen with gusto every day.
More information: http://mydramalist.com/14531-ramen-daisuki-koizumi-san http://asianwiki.com/Ms._Koizumi_Loves_Ramen_Noodles http://www.fujitv.co.jp/ramen_koizumi/index.html
Note: This is a Clean Screen episode for Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san episode 1 (an ongoing series (still airing) - there will be 10 episodes total). This episode has no TV station logo watermarks (in the top right corner, etc) or news updates. There will be a complete batch torrent after the series has ended.