Hatsune Miku MIKUNOPOLIS in Los Angeles 2011 [60FPS 720p Hi10p 2.0+5.1 AAC BDRip] [kuchikirukia]
Ok, here's the thing: the source Blu-ray for this concert was wrecked. The levels were awful. Not just "dim," but BLACK. The audience, stage, and band were practically invisible. Glowsticks would fade into the darkness, and even the stage lights were dark. I think they did this to try to correct for the Vocaloids being blown out. Too bad you can't fix "blown-out" by bringing the levels down. Once the detail is gone, it's gone. You only screw up your lighting levels by adjusting things down.
I encoded this concert months ago and never watched it again because there was nothing to see. So I went and threw that garbage out and started over. Here it is with adjusted levels. I am MUCH happier with this.
So yes, the Vocaloids are blown out, especially Miku's bright outfit in Po Pi Po. That's just how they were recorded. I put things back where they should be, I didn't make them worse.