Japanese live action drama starring Takahiro, Sho Aoyagi, Takanori Iwata, Taiki Sato, Erena Mizusawa.
Plot of the series: A former delinquent happens to encounter a lonely 10-year-old girl who looks like she is going to be killed by a gangster. He saves her by reflex, but does not get an answer when he asks what is going on. Because of that, he is mysteriously attacked time and again. With his own life in sudden danger, he calls on six friends from his high school days as a delinquent. These enthusiastic, single-minded men band together to protect her to the end.
More information: http://mydramalist.com/13356-wild-heroes http://asianwiki.com/Wild_Heroes
Note: This is a Clean Screen episode for Wild Heroes episode 10 (final episode). This episode has no TV station logo watermarks (in the top right corner, etc) or news updates.