Producer - 11 (Raw) AKA The Producers/Producers Korean Title: 프로듀사
Plot of the series: Drama series is set at an entertainment division of a broadcasting company, featuring various anecdotes about producers and non-producers.
At the centre of Yeouido, there is a building which never goes to sleep. It's the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS). Inside this building - on the sixth floor - people are busy working to produce renowned variety shows and more.
Here, the highly-educated are treated as fools when their shows get low ratings even after the hectic work schedule of filming, editing, and all-night meetings.
Note: The usual Clean Screen version (without TV logos on there in the top right hand corner, etc) will be uploaded in a few days for the people who want it. v2 is the same as [Clean] if you're looking for clean versions of this series (scroll right down to the previous torrents section at the bottom of this description page if you want those).
More information:
Timed English subtitles for episodes 1-10 are available as direct downloads at the bottom of the torrent description pages for those episodes.
Timed English subtitles for this episode will be added to this description page as a direct download as soon as they're done. You'll know when subtitles have been added because the title of the torrent page will be changed to reflect this.