Plot of the series: Ji-Sook (Soo-Ae) goes through a difficult period, due to her father's private loan. She begins living as Eun-Ha. Eun-Ha is from a wealthy family and looks like Ji-Sook.
When Min-Woo (Ju Ji-Hoon) was only 7 years old, he became the successor of a large corporation which his family ran. Due to his position, he cannot reveal his feelings. Through his family, he meets Eun-Ha. He notices she is different from other wealthy woman that he has met. Min-Woo has feelings for her.
More information:
Timed English subtitles for episodes 1-6 are available as direct downloads at the bottom of the torrent description pages for those episodes.
Timed English subtitles for this episode will be added to this description page as a direct download as soon as they're done. You'll know when subtitles have been added because the title of the torrent page will be changed to reflect this.
Additional Note: A Clean Screen version without TV logo watermarks will be uploaded in a few days for those that want it.