Plot of the series: The Lover is an omnibus series that depicts four different couples living together in one apartment complex.
Both in their thirties, Oh Do-si is a voice actor and Ryu Doo-ri is a blogger. They simply chose to live together instead of getting married, and have been sharing an apartment for two years.
Jung Young-joon and Choi Ji-nyeo are a couple that's twelve years apart in age. Ji-nyeo has the personality of a penny-pinching ajumma and basically supports her younger boyfriend in the hope that he will someday realize his dream, while Young-joon is an unemployed musician who carries around a guitar he doesn't know how to play. They've been living together for a year, and are quick to fight and make up.
Park Hwan-jong and Ha Seol-eun are in their twenties and have just moved in together. Seol-eun wants her boyfriend to believe that she's the perfect embodiment of femininity, and works tirelessly to keep up the illusion.
Lee Joon-jae is a loner who prefers to stay at home, but is forced to find a roommate for financial reasons. He doesn't even want to exchange unnecessary small talk so he advertises for a foreigner who can't speak Korean very well. Enter Takuya, a Japanese guy on his travels. Takuya thinks Joon-jae is wasting his youth, and begins to draw him out into the world.
More information:
Timed English subtitles for episodes 1-9 are available as direct downloads at the bottom of the torrent description pages for those episodes.
Timed English subtitles for this episode will be added to this description page as a direct download as soon as they're done. You'll know when subtitles have been added because the title of the torrent page will be changed to reflect this.