Toruru's Adventures Trailer - Studio 4ºC [1080p] (2014)
I know that for same strange reason or decision information on these shorts became almost non existent. The trailer is nowhere to be found at least on decent (HD) quality. I love everything from Tatsuyuki Tanaka and Takashi Nakamura so I saved the trailer first when it was published, hopefully we get a release date for DVD/BD soon.
Toruru is looking for his lil sister through multiple dimensions. He is not alone, luckily NaSuBi will be at his side.
First dimension (“Time Master”) by Tatsuyuki Tanaka. Second dimension (“Crazy Consumption”) by Sayo Yamamoto. Third dimension (“The Last of the Flowers”) by Tomoyuki Niho. Fourth dimension (“The Door to the Future”) by Takashi Nakamura.