[2014.05.08] Nujabes - Albums Discography [FLAC+MP3]
I saw some people talking and uploading Nujabes stuff, who is one of my favorite artist (R.I.P).
Here (I think?) the full album discography, in FLAC. (MP3 for the Ristorante mixtape, it's a tape and there is only one MP3 rip on the net, I'll try to update it if I buy this tape one day).
There isn't his singles (Luv(sic) & stuff), I don't have all of them on my computer and I have to rip them in FLAC.
I didn't include "Modal Soul Classics I & II" because it's just Nujabes's songs performed by other artists.
I didn't include too the album "Samurai Champloo - Music Record - Katana" becayse it's an US release and it contains the same songs as the japanese albums.
There is other artists than Nujabes on Samurai Champloo Soundtracks, but I won't split these albums.
Here the list : [2002.XX.XX] Nujabes - Ristorante (Mixtape) (mp3) [2003.08.21] Nujabes - Metaphorical Music (flac) [2004.06.23] Samurai Champloo Music Record - depature (flac) [2004.09.22] Samurai Champloo Music Record - impression (flac) [2005.11.11] Nujabes - Modal Soul (flac) [2006.10.23] Nujabes - Hydeout Productions (First Collection) (flac) [2007.11.11] Nujabes - Hydeout Productions (Second Collection) (flac) [2011.12.03] Nujabes - Spiritual State (flac)
I have a terrible upload speed, but when you'll listen to his work, you will forget how slow the download is.
I'll upload (one day) his singles (ripped by myself when I'll have the time and the hardware) in FLAC, and if I have his whole discography in FLAC, I'll upload a whole torrent. But don't expect this until a very long moment.