[EAC][110209] THE IDOLM@STER2 - The world is all one!! [tta+cue+rr].rar
Album Title: The world is all one!! Artist Name: THE [email protected] Release date: 2011/02/09 Catalog Number: COCC-16443 Codec:tta+cue
Tracklist: 01.The world is all one !!([email protected] VERSION) 歌:天海春香、我那覇響、星井美希 02.The world is all one !!([email protected] VERSION) 歌:菊地真、如月千早、四条貴音 03.The world is all one !!([email protected] VERSION) 歌:萩原雪歩、双海真美、高槻やよい 04.The world is all one !!([email protected] VERSION) 歌:竜宮小町(水瀬伊織、三浦あずさ、双海亜美)+秋月律子 05.The world is all one !!([email protected] VERSION) 歌:765PRO ALLSTARS 06.The world is all one !!([email protected] VERSION) オリジナル・カラオケボーナス・トラック 07.The world is all one !! 765プロみんなで合唱VERSION