I said I’d this uploaded for iPunisher, paulo27ms, and everyone else who enjoyed #580159 when I found my copy, which I did today.
This is the album with which Origa debuted in the Japanese music industry, a little over twenty years ago. The titles of all tracks are in Japanese but the songs themselves are Russian, that being the singer’s native language. ACG搜索网提醒您:这个BT种子没有找到内容介绍,下载时要谨慎哦~!theless, Origa’s professional career as a vocalist has played out entirely in Japan, with most of her shows there, her CDs most easily found there, and with a popularity larger than what she has in her native country. As a matter of fact, Origa stopped performing in Russia about seven years ago. (I don’t know why, sorry.)
The catalog number for this album is TOCP-8287, but unfortunately for anyone who’d purchase this I am ninety-nine percent certain it is out of print.