Before I begin, let me say you should download #581160 by tman88. He uploads great music and I would strongly recommend anyone listen to the band toe. This post is my form of a ‘thanks’ by sharing some albums I from my CD collection, of a band I also love.
Sparta Locals begin in Fukuoka in 1998. They are what many would call a ‘new wave’ or ’post-rock/punk’ band. A lot of their songs are reminiscient of Japanese rock from the late 70’s on through the 80’s. This makes them a great modern band with the sonic qualities of ‘a blast from the past’.
This torrent contains the following albums, with their release date and catalog numbers:
1. 悲しい耳鳴り: 4 March 2002 (DCCM6, Out of Print) 1. Second Fanfare: 2 July 2003 (UPCH-1269) 2. Sun Sun Sun: 28 July 2004 (UPCH-1355, Out of Print) 3. Dreamer: 6 July 2005
Sorry for not having a longer write-up about the band, something I prefer to do. I just happen to be busy today.