Contains 28 high-res anime wallpapers (except one which is "only" 1920x1200) and all are ready for 30 inch screens up to 2560x1600 resolution.
Features: Rare series - Only those. You wanted something from the mainstream? Look elsewhere. Ecchi warning - because we all watch those for the plot, right? No fanart - All are based on official character sheets from NewType, Megami or various artbooks. Zero pixelation - All characters are vectored. In cases when the background is similar to the source, that is vectored as well. No more 4:3/5:4 - Widescreens in either 16:10 or 16:9. If doesnt exactly fits your aspect, feel free to chop down some. Why only 28? - Because those where done by myself (3 are done in collaboration with Reesha) You have only 28? - No, but I don't feel including some older walls, which are either 4:3 or technically outdated. Or both at once. No hate - if you can make something better, feel free to share.
PS. If it loses seeds, please let it die. PSS. v2 due the Muv-Luv wall was left in 4000x2500. Guess I edited something? Dunno, anyways such size is useless as long nobody has a 4k monitor yet.