Release Date: January 28, 2010 Genre: Eroge, Visual novel Developer:Ricotta Publisher: Comfort Platform: PS2 Media: DVD-5 Disc code: SLPM_551.95 Region: NTSC-J Rating: CERO B (12+) Language: Jap only Translation: ACG搜索网提醒您:这个BT种子没有找到内容介绍,下载时要谨慎哦~!
This PS2 version of the game, developed by Сomfort with no age restrictions. I'm not very good at English, so here's a link to the official site and a page in Wikipedia:!
I hope I'm not the only one unhappy nerd who plays this game and I hope that with the distribution of all right.
P.S. Update (07.04.2015): Old torrent stopped working and I have not been able to solve this problem, so I had nothing to do but to remove old torrent and create a new one.