Title: 美しい人 Title (romaji): Utsukushii Hito Also known as: Le Bel Homme / Beauty Format: Renzoku Genre: Romance Episodes: 10 Viewership ratings: 16.7% Broadcast network: TBS Broadcast period: 1999-Oct-15 to 1999-Dec-17
Synopsis: Misaki Kyosuke, an excellent plastic surgeon, started living a very private life after his wife passed away, confining his main joys in life to cultivating his herb garden and spending time with his only daughter. One day, a woman enters his clinic and asks that her face be completely changed to whatever Kyosuke wishes. Kyosuke is very suspicious and refuses her request, but she begs him to reconsider and explains that she is trying to escape from her violent husband. Kyosuke finally agrees and alters her appearance to that of his late wife. Afterwards, a relationship begins to develop between the two of them, but things start to unravel when two police officers show up on his doorstep looking for the "missing" woman.
English subtitles - http://www.d-addicts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=135465