[PC] Ever17 Xbox360 BGM Patch for PC Premium Edition (Patch)
This patch brings remixed tunes of Ever17 Xbox360 remake to PC version of the game. The following tunes will be replaced with their respective counterparts from Xbox360 version if patch is installed:
* Insel Null * Ersteboden * Zweitestock * Drittestock * Lemurianische Ruine * Kosmisher Wal * Qualle * KaruЯell Delphine * Weiser Hund * IBF Notfall * Tief Blau * Kopfsprung * Traum in der Dunkelheit * Hologramm * Das Absuchen * GedachtniЯchwund * Drittes Auge * Klamauk * Heilmittel * Wiedergeburt * Karma * Der Mond Das Meer * Drittes Auge nehmen * Je nach
Also, the following tunes will be replaced with HQ versions from original CDs and PS2 edition of Ever17:
* Der Mond Das Meer (Coco) * Der Mond Das Meer (Sara) * Aqua Stripe * Faraway Lemuria