Plot: Hama, along with his assistant Furuchi, spends his time collecting electronic junk from other people's garbage and junk yards.
When they find a kotatsu heater (a portable heater commonly used in Japan), the two consider themselves lucky.
Unfortunately, Furuchi removes a sacred seal from the heater, allowing it to turn into a man-eating machine. The Kotatsu wreaks havoc on the apartment, gorging itself on electricity and the other tenants in the building.
It's up to Hama and Furuchi to stop the beast before it escapes the apartment and devours the rest of humanity!
Extras: Commentary with director Joji Iida Hour-long interview with the SFX guru behind BH:K
Subtitles: English subs for the movie, commentary track and interview are present. thnx 2 Glaeken @ cg.