Title: LOVE理論 Title (romaji): Love Riron Format: Renzoku Genre: Comedy, Romance Episodes: TBD Broadcast network: TV Tokyo Broadcast period: 2015-Apr-13 start Air time: Friday 23:58
Synopsis Satoshi comes all the way to Tokyo from Ibaraki and hopes to find romance there as well. He falls in love with a girl but unfortunately she's taken away by other guys. He starts working in a night club and although it's very overwhelming for him, there is something that shocks him even more -- the girl he fell for joins the club as a hostess. However, the girl appears to be ignoring him and soon, Satoshi believes there is no hope left. However, a mysterious 'master of love' appears before him and offers him a love theory that can help.
Cast Ainosuke Kataoka as Aiya Mizuno Takurô Ohno as Satoshi Imada