Title: She Format: Renzoku Genre: Suspense, school Episodes: 5 Broadcast network: Fuji TV Broadcast period: 2015-Apr-18 to 2015-May-16 Air time: Saturday 23:40
Synopsis Nishizawa Ryoko is a cool-headed, brilliant-minded high school student who aspires to become journalist. On the very first day of the school year, Ryoko's best friend Ogiwara Azusa goes missing all of a sudden and no one can account her whereabouts. Azusa's mother and police immediately starts investigating the case and interviewing students at school. In order to uncover the hidden truth and real reason behind the disappearance of her best friends, Ryoko undertakes her own investigation into the matter. As she digs further and further into her investigation and talking to Azusa's circle of friends, their deep-hidden feelings are revealed and friendships get tested to the brink... -- Fuji TV
Cast Matsuoka Mayu as Nishizawa Ryoko Nakajo Ayami as Ogiwara Azusa Taketomi Seika as Yamamoto Saya Morikawa Aoi as Okumura Chisato Shimizu Kurumi (清水くるみ) as Eto Miyuri Narita Ryo 成田凌 Shirasu Jin (白洲迅)