Title: おわらない ものがたり Title (romaji): Owaranai Monogatari Also known as: Endless Story Genre: Suspense, thriller Format: Renzoku Episodes: 4 Broadcast network: Fuji TV Broadcast period: 2014-Aug-02 to 2014-Aug-23 Theme song: Love the Warz by Sekai no Owari
Synopsis It’s the end of the world. As a lethal flu-like infection breakouts killing all those around, a bunch of individuals survive inside an isolated hospital. However what awaits them is a living hell.
Cast Seino Nana as Mashiba Saori (24) Hayama Shono as Ikenami Shunya (21) Suga Kenta as Nonobe (21) Shirasu Jin (白洲迅) as Ichinose Keisuke (21) Kinoshita Misaki (木下美咲) as Yamaura Maki (22) Kido Airi (城戸愛莉) as Tsukino Kotomi (23)