Plot of the series: When Jo Gang-Ja attended high school, she was notorious for fighting. She gave birth to her daughter A-Ran (Kim You-Jung) in her late teens and became more responsible. Her daughter A-Ran is now a high school student, but A-Ran is bullied at school. Jo Gang-Ja decides to go back to high school to protect her daughter. Jo Gang-Ja becomes a high school student again.
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Subtitles (timed for release): Episode 5 [480p] [Viki]
Instructions for subtitles for anyone that doesn't know: Simply download the subtitles from the link above, extract the subtitles from the zip, and then place it in the same folder as the video file. Make sure the filename is the same for both, this has been done already for you though. Your media player should then be able to play the subs when you load the video file, you can also manually load the subtitles in your media player.