The Ao Oni (青鬼 Ao Oni) movie is a 2014 horror film based on the games of the same name directed by Daisuke Kobayashi. It will be released in Japanese cinemas on July 5, 2014.
The film stars Anna Iriyama as Anna, Kenta Suga as Shun, Syo Jinnai as Takuro, Seiya as Hiroshi, Seika Furuhata as Mika, and Riku Ozeki as Takeshi.
The bluray/DVD came out on 12/10/14.
I did not rip this, just found it on a Indonesian(?) website. English subs are still not out for this one, and this BD-rip, by "BK - BlackKoala", was very difficult to find so i thought i'd uploaded it here.