Title: 赤い月 Title (romaji): Akai Tsuki Genre: Historical tanpatsu drama Episodes: 1 (DVD release), 6 (NGN release) Broadcast network: TV Tokyo Broadcast date: 2004-Dec-29
Synopsis 55 years after World War II, Morita Misaki travels to China with hopes of uncovering the truth behind the murder of a young Russian woman she witnessed as a child. Her journey allows her to revisit her childhood memories and retrace her family’s struggles in a foreign land.
In the midst of WWII, the Morita family moves to Manchuria to start a Japanese sake factory. Though their hopes for a new life seem quickly realized with the success of their business, the family’s fortunes take a turn for the worse when a military informant accuses their live-in tutor of being a spy for Russia. Further complications arise when Russia begins its invasion of Manchuria and the family is forced to flee for their lives. In the midst of the ensuing turmoil and confusion, the Morita family, led by matriarch Namiko, must find the strength to endure and survive.
Cast Takashima Reiko as Morita Namiko Naitou Takashi as Morita Yutaro Terawaki Yasufumi as Osugi Kanji Nakamura Shido as Himuro Keisuke Izumi Pinko as Hara Yoko Nakamura Baijaku as Makita Masakazu Chii Takeo as Tsukamoto Ichihara Etsuko as Morita Misaki Sato Hikaru (佐藤光) as Morita Misaki Emoto Tasuku as Morita Kazuo Satoi Kenta as Ikeda Jinbo Miki (神保美喜) as Yae Hashizume Isao as Sachi Kaneda Akio as Hu