字幕:千夏字幕组&喵萌奶茶屋压抑:[email protected]原片取千夏字幕组&喵萌奶茶屋协作,感激字幕组的勤劳休息原片本盘的绘里颠末剖析,本死分辩率为720p。全部绘里的线条均呈现了差别水平的锯齿景象,色度立体的锯齿尤其凸起。正在对于明度战色度立体分隔停止独自改正后失掉了使人称心的后果,而且必然水平上提拔了全部绘里的钝度。因为动绘自身下庞大度的油绘绘面临编码器是没有小的应战,正在停止了开理的落噪后,拔取了连国度电网瞅了皆要堕泪的编码参数完毕了将体积掌握正在约1.3G一散的共时包管简直分歧不雅感的应战。The effective resolution of the original source is around 720p and packed with aliasing. We treat the luma plane and the chroma planes separately and get a satisfying result. Also, the "oil painting" of the *** push the image complexity to another level which is challenging to the x265 encoder. We've tweaked the encoder settings carefully to keep resonable file size as well as the visual quality.截图比照(Screenshot comparison): https://slow.pics/c/GTKmN2EP