VCB-Studio 集中式补丁包计划,目的在于将已发布的作品中做错、做漏或有改进的部分,集中收录整理后做种发布。这次发布的是第十版补丁包 SP10,包括以下作品的改进和修正。如果你下载过下表中任何一部番,强烈建议你选择性下载其中对应的内容。 之前发布的补丁包信息请查阅:。请转到 来查询 UID。如果你发现我们的作品中有至今没有提到的问题,或者修复后依旧有问题,欢迎汇报给我们:
VCB-Studio Service Pack Project is a project that aims to provide batched upgrades for our released BDRip. It contains revisions, improvements and supplements that should make our releases better-off and flawless. This is the 10th part of the project, SP10, which contains upgrades listed below. If you have downloaded our release of any following project, it is strongly recommended that you get the "upgrade patch" in the torrent. You can also click to check out information about our previous Service Packs. Please refer to for checking the UID. Should you know there is any problem we have not fixed, or problems still exist after patching, please inform us by replying below.