Originally a shoujo manga published in the late 1980s, Hot Road was written by one Tsumugi Taku. Immensely popular back in the day, Hot Road's beautiful story and popularity stood the test of time and was finally made into a live action film in 2014.
The film stars Nounen Rena, of Amachan fame, and Tosaka Hiroomi, one half of the vocals in Sandaime J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE. (I hope that's the name of his group, with something that long I can hardly be sure…)
Nounen plays Kazuki, a second year middle schooler and quiet yet admirable girl.
So cute!
Tosaka plays Haruyama, a young man as reckless as they come, adored by his gang members.
Very serious gang member face
The plot follows Kazuki and Haruyama's love story from their meeting and how they meet life's challenges head on in their own way. As the main couple of the story, I think they're adorable :3
I watched the cast come as guests on VS Arashi… Nounen was so cute! Actually, the real reason I learned of Hot Road was because I love Sandaime JSB!!! Naturally, this film was Tosaka's first real acting role so I was very interested in watching it. I'm so glad I got to work on it. I've lost count of how many times I've listened to his irresistible voice from this /o\ (Everyone please watch this and fall in love with Tosaka with me omg---)
As always, if there were any errors please tell us so we can improve the subtitles. In EXILE TRIBE style, BIG LOVE to all of you from editor & QC, popo!
Softsubbed FHD x265-10bit 6ch-aac mkv - Mega | Nyaa Softsubbed HD x264-10bit 6ch-aac mkv - Mega | Nyaa Hardsubbed FWVGA x264-8bit 2ch-aac mp4 - Mega | Nyaa Softsub Script - Mediafire Beta version release post