Synopsis: Higashigaoka High School’s male swimming club presently has only three second-year members – leader Sakaki Shuhei, Shinozuka Daiki and Koganei Haruyoshi. They welcome the new school year with the aim of getting members.
Cast: Matsuda Ryo as Sakaki Shuhei Miyazaki Shuto as Shinozuka Daiki Anzai Shintaro as Koganei Haruyoshi Akazawa Tomoru as Koganei Harumi Sato Hisanori as Taki Yuta Ozawa Ren as Hira Mitsuki Kuroba Mario as Nishina Homare Ikeoka Ryosuke as Jingu Ichitora Kaminaga Keisuke as Harada Daniel
Details: Country: Japan Type: Drama, Sport Episodes: 10 Aired: Jan 22, 2017 Aired On: Sunday Network: NTV