Synopsis: Tomikawa Yosuke is married to Mizuki. They have a daughter, Shiori, and a son, Ko. Yosuke works as the general manager in the personnel department at a large company, while his wife works as a teacher at a private middle school. Their daughter works as a jewelry maker and their son is looking for a job. The family appears to look like a peaceful family, but, due to an accidental opportunity, the family begins to collapse
Cast: Miura Tomokazu as Tomikawa Yosuke Kuroki Hitomi as Tomikawa Mizuki Maeda Atsuko as Tomikawa Shiori Kudo Asuka as Tomikawa Hikaru Kimura Tae as Kawamura Yuko
Details: Country: Japan Type: Drama Episodes: 9 Aired: 2017-Jan-12 to 2017-Mar-09 Aired On: Thursday 21:00 Network: TV Asahi